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Our solutions boost your event

We work with public and private establishments, as well as with national and international associations and academic organizations, to customize the organization of their scientific conventions, symposiums, seminars, summer schools or any other professional event.

We have developed a global solutions offer and an à la carte offer which we can adjust to the specifications and budget of your event.

Our approach focuses on each different organizational aspect by precisely identifying the stages to be completed and determining the role you wish to entrust to us.


General coordination

Organizing a convention is like drafting a business plan. Objectives must be set, targets analyzed, the means and tools to achieve the aim explored, and change and developments which occur along the way overcome, all the while ensuring the focus is maintained.

Being the go-to partner to ensure your success while respecting your requirements and objectives.

Via a thorough analysis of your requirements and by dint of our experience, we can offer you a global organization solution to secure the results that you are aiming for.

  • Feasibility study and determination of the forecast budget
  • Study and identification of potential sites
  • Setting of the schedule for action to be taken
  • Needs analysis in terms of partnership and subsidies
  • Drafting of memoranda of agreement with partners
  • Consulting in advertising and marketing
  • Coordination of committees (meeting, distribution of minutes)
  • Planning and coordination of meetings (agenda, notice to attend, etc.)
  • Meetings of minutes and distribution to committees
  • Organization of reconnaissance visits to choose the venue and trial lunches for the organization committee
  • Reporting back (on the budget, logistics, scientific aspects) to committees at each stage of the general organization
  • Financial statements and closing reports


Scientific management

The scientific content is your primary concern and the aim of your convention is to expand its outreach.

Distributing, collecting, sorting, sending, selecting submitted papers, communicating with authors and copy editors, publishing, printing...

whether a submitted paper and a single or multiple proof, a notification with or without comments, ensuring that the authors are present...

Managing documents and their authors requires time, suitable tools and a thorough administrative approach.

We lend you our expertise in this field and adapt solutions to fit your needs, from the drafting of instructions for authors to the publication of proceedings on the media of your choosing (printed, online or published on digital media).

  • Creation, configuration and administration of online scientific management software
  • Drafting of instructions for authors and templates
  • Creation and distribution of calls for papers
  • Management of authors and online paper submissions
  • Management of assessments (assignment, copy editors, author notification)
  • Summary of notifications
  • Author reminders (registration for the convention and final submission)
  • Distribution of presentation instructions
  • Management of guest speakers and moderators
  • Management of online abstracts, CVs and photos
  • Assistance in setting up agreements for the publication of proceedings (IEEE - Explore; reviews, publishers, etc.)
  • Coding for the constitution of the final program
  • Adjustment of audiovisual equipment



Whether devoted to the presentation of partners’ services and products or a theme-based supplement to the convention content, the exhibition is an event in its own right, which is both an integral part of and a sidebar to your convention.

The organization and development of an exhibition demands special resources and technical skills to ensure that its outreach and contribution to project financing bring genuine added-value to your convention.

Our experience in this field enables us to optimize the organization from the setting of commercial objectives to the logistical and technical organization and the hosting of exhibitors.

  • Compilation of the exhibition business case
  • Identification of exhibitors based on your files and our network of contacts
  • Cold calling, follow-up and negotiations
  • Management of stand bookings
  • Invoicing of exhibitors and collection
  • Selection of and negotiation with service providers (general fitters, safety, etc.)
  • Development of the exhibition plan and optimization of stand layout
  • Technical management of the exhibition (exhibitor’s technical guide)
  • Design and publication of the exhibition catalogue
  • Scheduling of BtoB meetings in the context of a business forum



Partnerships and the financial backing of industry and institutional organizations can play an instrumental role in the success, and at times the viability of a conference.

We lend the organizers our full support in this field, from the sponsoring strategy to the sale of packages by guaranteeing a fruitful relationship for all those involved.

We establish contact with local, national and international institutions to obtain subsidies and various other forms of support.

  • Determination of the sponsoring and partnership offer
  • Drafting of the business case and contracts
  • Identification of partnerships based on your files and our network of contacts
  • Cold calling, follow-up and negotiations
  • Identification of institutions to apply to for subsidies
  • Design and drafting of administrative files for subsidy applications
  • Management of relations with your partners and institutional organizations
  • Administrative and financial follow-up
  • Drafting of progress reports for the final payment of subsidies


Logistical management

Logistics (used with a sing. or pl. verb): the detailed planning and organization of any large complex operation.

The logistics of a convention demands know-how and skills akin to those of an orchestra conductor to assemble and harmonize all of the participants. From the choice of the appropriate venue to the negotiation of contracts and onsite coordination, we are committed to implementing the logistical resources tailored to the needs of your convention.

We call on a network of service providers selected for their high quality services, reliability, compliance with deadlines and sound cost management. We place the emphasis on strict budget management in line with the specifications, while upholding the level of exigency required to make your convention a success.

  • Identification of venues and service providers, calls for tender
  • Management of contracts and negotiations with service providers
  • Organization and fitting out of facilities
  • Management of hosting amenities (equipment and human resources – hostesses, security, etc.)
  • Signs (for directions, notice boards, hanging panels, information banners, etc.)
  • General coordination of service providers on site
  • Management and inspection of teams, services and technical audiovisual equipment
  • Pre-projection management (rooms, equipment, human resources)
  • Organization of the social program (gala dinner, committee dinners, tourist trips, etc.)
  • Pick-up at railway stations and airports, transfers and organization of shuttle buses


Marketing and communication

A considerable share of the success of a convention depends on media coverage and communication methods geared towards target groups and key partners. Our goal is for the information to reach the entire target audience, as well as people potentially interested in your convention. At each stage of the convention we offer different solutions to enable you to both optimize the cost of advertising and enhance its impact.

  • Think-tank on the visual identity of the event, application of graphic design rules
  • Strategic reflection on and drafting of the communication and media plans
  • Media relations (design and distribution of press releases, follow-up and media watch; design of the press kit; organization of press conferences)
  • Sealing of agreements with media partners
  • Identification of target groups
  • Management of distribution lists (compilation, updating, renewing)
  • Design of tailor-made advertising campaigns
  • Promotion during other events in the field
  • Design, development, hosting and updating of the convention website
  • E-mailing/ e-newsletter/ e-bulletin campaigns
  • Design and sending of communication and publication media (initial advertisement, preliminary programmed, poster, etc.)
  • Selection of promotional tools (DVD, banners, gifts, etc.)



Once the scientific program is ready, the convention venue is booked, the rooms are equipped and the social program is set, you have organized the majority of aspects to ensure that your convention is a success. However, there remains one important service to offer to your national and international participants: accommodation. Because this is a key ingredient in the recipe of success, we offer you our 5 accommodation guarantees.

  • Available accommodation onsite or close to the site of your convention guaranteed
  • “Negotiated’ rates which beat direct sale rates guaranteed
  • A vast selection of hotels selected for their location, quality and price guaranteed.
  • A choice of hotels of different categories to suit a variety of different budgets guaranteed.
  • An online booking service which is customized, proactive and simplified guaranteed.
    • Selection and visit of hotels
    • Reservation of allotments
    • Creation of an online booking site and a print-out form
    • Handling of accommodation needs for individuals and groups
    • Drafting and updating of hotel reservation lists
    • Collection, tracking of payments, reminders and dispute settlement
    • Sending of booking confirmation to participants
    • Verification and settlement of the hotel invoice
    • Accommodation information service on the convention site



There is no such thing as a convention or event without participants. One of the main priorities of our commitment to support you is to facilitate participant registration, as well as payment and invoicing transactions, while remaining in tune with participants’ needs.

To this end, we offer state-of-the-art IT tools for online registration, thereby ensuring fast-track processing, responsiveness and security.

Our registration management extends to related events (social program, tourist visits, etc.) for the participant and the person accompanying him or her, with a split invoice, if need be.

  • Web interface for secure online registration
  • Creation of an internet page and configuration of an online registration form
  • Secure online payment
  • Information service for convention-goers
  • Management of registrations and sending of confirmations
  • Drafting and sending of invoices
  • Management of payments and reminders
  • Registration of groups (specific needs of partners’ guests) and committees
  • Management of applications and sending of letters to facilitate the granting of visas
  • Preparation of personal envelopes including the badge, attendance certificate and entrance tickets.
  • Insertion of documents in kitbags featuring the colors of the convention
  • Onsite hosting and registration of participants
  • Distribution of kitbags and welcome envelopes to participants
  • Sending of registration lists to the organizers and receipts
  • Sharing of and direct access to information for the organizers via a secure Extranet


Social program

The social program pools the different related activities (included or otherwise in the registration) that the convention offers to its participants and their guests.

These activities are expected by the participants and enhance the quality of your convention. Because we cannot organize an evening dance for an all-male meeting, or because the menu on offer must reflect the venue and the region and correspond to the expectations and singularity of your participants, the social program must be tailor-made.

We offer a comprehensive range of prestigious venues and activities, while bringing a personal touch to ensure quality and originality. We combine three aspects of quality specifically for you: listening and advice; local knowledge in order to select the venue, activities and setting to optimize your event; a tight budget policy and artistic creativity.

  • Organization of convention dinners and social events: gala dinner, welcome reception, cocktail, committee dinners, dinners for speakers, etc.
  • Organization of guided tours for tourists
  • Organization of technical visits of industrial sites and research labs in your field
  • Suggestion of venues and cost analysis
  • Proposal and organization of selected activities
  • Selection and management of service providers: catering, artists, safety, transport companies, etc.
  • Design and publication of invites and menus
  • Organization of the accompanying program: visits, evening events, excursions
  • Organization of pre and/or post convention programs



After determining the convention’s graphic design rules, we will design and create the convention documents on any given media (print-out, digital, web, etc.). We work with a network of service providers (printers, designers, web designers, etc.) carefully selected for their compliance with production and delivery deadlines.

  • Study of document requirements
  • Call for tenders and selection of service providers
  • Design and publication of convention documents:
    • Advertisement,
    • Poster,
    • Calls for papers,
    • Preliminary and final program,
    • Convention proceedings on paper or digital (CD or USB key),
    • Lecture literature (tutorials)
    • Exhibition guide,
    • Convention magazine
    • Badges, coupons, etc.
    • Menus
    • Accessories: kitbag, Post-It pads, pens, etc.


Financial management and accounting

In the framework of our mission, we help you to determine the suitable budget for your project. We ensure complete transparency when it comes to the accounts, receipts and expenditure. We take care of the administrative, financial and accounting aspects, all the while providing you with the details of changes in cash flow and finances.

This enables you to adjust expenditure to the receipts, thereby ensuring the budget is balanced and your event is a financial success.

  • Setting of the forecast budget
  • Regular updating of receipts and expenses and tracking (executive budget)
  • Establishment of the supplier payment schedule
  • Opening of an account specifically for the event, if required
  • Invoicing and collection of receipts (registration, subsidies, sponsoring, exhibition)
  • Follow-up in the event of failure to pay registrations, stands and sponsoring
  • Reimbursement of expenses incurred by committees and guests
  • Payment of tutorial fees (drafting of fees letters)
  • Closing and delivery of accounts


General onsite coordination

Our team accompanies you throughout the event and ensures the general coordination on site. We reserve the services of local service providers and proceed to oversee them. We can include convention volunteers in the team, if need be (permanent members of associations, committee members, etc.).

We pay particular attention to the quality of the audio-visual team to ensure the smooth running of the scientific program and the resources used to host participants.

  • Coordination and management of teams, service providers and technical audio-visual equipment in the convention venue
  • Organization and management of pre-projections; layout of the speakers’ room
  • Setting up and management of signs
  • Briefing and coordination of security staff at the reception
  • Preparation of participant folders (badges, entrance tickets, attendance certifications, kitbags)
  • Distribution of folders to participants
  • Fitting out of conference venues, meals, catering and setting up of the reception desk
  • Coordination of VIP transfers and convention shuttle buses, where applicable
  • Creation of a general office onsite in order to welcome participants, exhibitors, speakers, partners and guests; register participants onsite and create badges; collect money for onsite registrations and outstanding amounts for pre-registrations; print invoices paid on request; deliver certificates of attendance on request; interact with partners and exhibitors.